HealThyroid Mix (Complete Hormone Balancer with 33 Organic Greens)

HealThyroid Mix (Complete Hormone Balancer with 33 Organic Greens)
A Mix of Greens for a Healthier Thyroid
HASHIMOTO GONE! 5/11/22 Ursula Williams Greenwood
I am so excited to share with all of you that I had a complete blood work panel done last week that included all levels for my Thyroid. Well, as it turns out, after using Tamara’s Thyroid Powder, I’m happy to report—my Thyroid is falling within normal parameters! Praise God! I’ll admit, the green powder is a taste you must acquire, but it is absolutely worth it! I don’t mind the taste as I have grown accustomed to it. I sometimes mix it with a little Sweetie or in with my electrolyte supplement. Other times I just drink it with water. I highly recommend this product and honestly every product that God has directed Tamara and Craig to create! Two thumbs up and five . I’m so grateful to God that He crossed our paths!
Leah Castro - If anyone here struggles with hormonal inbalance, thyroid issues or Hashimoto’s disease just want to say I started on a natural powder a month and a half ago. I mix it in my drink in the morning ( not good tasting so you need a chaser lol) but the benefits have been amazing. I recently just started noticing my face and neck feel thinner. I’m starting to feel like I did when I was in high school and my early 20s. I developed hypothyroidism when I was probably about 23. After that the weight just started piling on me and I have a very tough time losing weight. I remember some people would tell me “Boy Leah you don’t eat as much as I do I don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to lose weight” and I knew exactly why it was hard. I did not start this powder to lose weight. I did not start this to try to kick start to lose weight. I took it to better my thyroid. I lost 10 pounds of inflammation. Now I have a while to go and I really need to start on a workout regimen and watch what I eat but it’s really nice to know that this powder will help me get the weight off too. A person with a underactive thyroid is probably like 20 times harder to lose weight then someone with a normal thyroid. I bought this powder at healthy treats market at the Davison Farmers Market Tamara Linkowski is the lovely lady who created the powder and can tell you all about it and also you can visit her website at Thank you so much Tamara and family for what you do.
The photo on the left was 2 months ago and the photo on the right was last week. I have not done a whole lot of different things. The biggest thing I changed was taking this powder every day.
Nikola Williams - I am right there with Leah! I was going to share a testimony, but haven't gotten blood work done. I saw this and 100% agree with how this thyroid powder works! ... The right photo was a few years back before the thyroid powder and when I wasn't working out (I am diagnosed with hashimtos) ... but the left photo, was when I recently started Tamaras thyroid mix and working out more and BAM... the face went down and that's when I noticed energy coming back. This stuff is awesome and continue to buy it and can't wait to see more results and feel even better. Thank you for this wonderful stuff! And to add... all of the symptoms of hashimotos have gone. And you can definitely tell when you start it!
Ivan Shallal - “I was diagnosed with Hashimoto as a teenager. Synthroid caused my heart to race so I had to go off of it and as honestly afraid to take any more medications. I used a tablespoon of this powder per day for 6 months and my checkup after 6 months of using this powder showed a normal thyroid. My doctor recommended I no longer take any medication because I now have a normal thyroid.“
Lisa Eimers - “I have had thyroid issues for many years and even had nodules on my thyroid! I started taking this green mixture with a little bit of sweetie added to it (because it doesn’t taste great) for a few months. I was to wean myself off of synthyroid and continued the green mixture then had my thyroid levels checked after a little bit. My bloodwork came back completely normal and has stayed normal! I would totally recommend this...the taste isn’t great but a little bit of sweetie makes it tolerable.”
Kimberly Nieman - Absolutely life changing.
Hashimoto's here .flares every few weeks for months on painful...i could barely oick anything up I dropped...and I drop a lot. Inflammation was soooo horrific, I would wake and see my face before I looked in a mirror. Not exaggerating one bit. I have pictures...that I would share privately...but they are horrific (my own mother said so). I have NOT had a flare since I started taking this. Have been taking, since, I believe around the end of February. You will get use to the first, I was like...oh hell no. But I kept chugging it first thing in the morning...and the benefits outway, the 30 seconds of awfulness. Thank you Tamara Linkowski...Now I use ALL her products...💞Cindy Veenhuis - A couple years ago I started the Keto way of life and lost over 100lbs, unfortunately I got sidetracked and gained some of that back...HOWEVER, recently I restarted and bought a package from you and I’m happy to say I’ve already lost 20lbs, but more importantly, since adding this to my daily routine my symptoms of PCOS are diminishing!! Even losing 100lbs the first time I still felt like I had major hormone issues which is why it was so easy for me to get off track...but since adding this daily, I have noticed the random facial hair that I’ve been fighting for years (yes embarrassing) start to go away!!! I am so happy I cried!!!
Fadwa Gillanders - I am a pharmacist. I went into early menopause at 47 (my age now). I took HealThyroid for a week. First, I felt my breast more tender than normal and I couldn’t believe it. Then, I started my period! I have a lot more energy. HealThyroid also makes me feel very alert. I use it with Lemonade.
Leah Wentzel - I have had stomach pain for a year now that went away almost as soon as I started drinking this.
Also, I have been having some thyroid issues and my metabolism seemed to be running at a snails pace. This has gotten my metabolism running FAST again!!!!
Lemon Balm Leaf
Dulse Leaf
Irish Moss
Parsley Root
Parsley Leaf
Black Walnut
Celery Seed
Barley Grass
Wheat Grass
Orange Peel
Beer Root
Lemon Peel
Dandelion Leaf
Take 1/2 Tablespoon to 1 Tablespoon in 6 ounces water on an empty stomach once a day.
Be sure to consult physician before using product.