1. *You will need a corndog maker and a cereal bowl for this*

  2. Mix 1/4 cup skinny bread mix, 1/4 cup Eggwhites, 2 cups Plain nonfat Greek Yogurt, add 1T sweetie, add 1/8-1/4 TSP. cornbread extract

  3. Mix and place in corndog maker after you spray it.

  4. Cut your hot dogs vertically and horizontally and stuff them into the mix

  5. Close the corndog maker and let it cook for a minute and flip the whole maker upside down and cook another minute

  6. Let the entire hotdog be covered up

  7. Close corndog maker and cook for two minutes or as needed


  • Skinny Bread Mix

  • EggWhites

  • Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt

  • Sweetie

  • Cornbread Extract

  • Hotdogs